Sunday 10 May 2020

Foods to Avoid

It is 2020 and many of us around the country are stuck at home due to local stay at home laws.  We are not eating more food than ever as an average American citizen and it is likely we are eating lots of the wrong foods for our dental health. There are lots of reasons people are picking up more unhealthy foods and one of those reasons is lack of options.  Lots of our grocery stores are missing lots of essential foods and basic staples in our diets.  So I am not saying do not eat or drink these foods or beverages because there may be no other options currently available.  But if you are able to avoid these foods you should try too for the sake of your teeth.

One of the most known and still probably the worst thing you can ingest that is commonly on your grocery store shelves is carbonated beverages. Generally it's well known that soda, or pop and anything with the label diet is going to be bad for your dental hygiene.  It has been reported that drinking carbonated beverages is just as bad for your teeth as methamphetamines and cocaine. That is indeed rather wild to think about.  Many of us have seen the before and after photos of what those federally banned drugs can do to your teeth and it is very hard to look at and to see. 

Plaque is the big issue when it comes to carbonated beverages. The excess sugar and acids builds extra plaque and allows for it to attack your tooth enamel.  This creates cavities which are a very painful and expensive problem to fix for your teeth.  Another side effect of sodas and pops is that they dry out your mouth causing less saliva to be present.  Saliva actually helps clean your teeth and eliminate those acids from building up.  So by getting rid of your saliva you are hitting your teeth with a double whammy of unhealthy.

Another type of food you should try to avoid is going to be a surprising dietary staple.  Eating citrus and lots of fruits are actually rather bad for your dental health. Your average orange or clementine is going to be on that list.  Lots of dietary staples for breakfast like grapefruit is also going to be a poor choice for dental health.  This is because they are loaded with acids. What this does is erode your enamel quicker which leads to tooth decay.  So when you are out of quarantine you may be visiting your dentist sooner than you had hoped. So stay safe and eat healthy if you can!

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